for all home educating families to thrive and find a place to belong
Streams is a place to belong. We are a community of home educators on a life-long learning journey, exploring new opportunities and growing together.
to encourage, equip and connect home educators

Streams, established by four home educators connected by a shared vision & a passion to support fellow home educators
What's in a name?
As parents we get to choose the stream of education our children follow. There is no right or wrong, and this can change over time. Streams can cross, change direction or create an entirely new path.
Streams create life, especially in dry places. Learning and life should go hand-in-hand.
People are drawn to streams. Communities are often built around a source of water.
Streams join together to create a powerful river. We’re all flowing in the river of life.
The values explored below are integral to Streams.
At the heart of what we do is the deep belief that every human is valuable and brings something unique to the world.
Standing on the edge of the wilderness is bone-chilling because belonging is so primal. …..Choosing the wily outpost over the security of the city gates takes true act of courage. The first step can take your breath away.
But I have discovered something beautiful; the loneliest steps are the ones between the city walls and the heart of the wilderness, where safety is in the rear view mirror, new territory remains to be seen, and the path out to the unknown seems empty. But put one foot in front of the other enough times, stay the course long enough to actually tunnel into the wilderness, and you’ll be shocked how many people already live out there - thriving, dancing, creating, celebrating, belonging. It is not a barren wasteland. It is not unprotected territory. It is not void of human flourishing. The wilderness is where all the creatives and prophets and system-buckers and risk takers have always lived, and it is stunningly vibrant. The walk there is hard, but the authenticity out there is life.