Learn To Make an iMovie at the Apple Store

Age Bracket:
All ages
'Today at Apple'

I love things that are free and fun (this was a pre lockdown adventure.) We booked a course with our local apple store for our home ed collective group of kids. We were 15 kids and three adults and had 1.5 hours in the Apple Store learning how to make an imovie. As we were a big enough group we were able to book for just us at a time that worked for us, so we chose a quiet Tuesday morning. The two facilitators were fantastic and great fun. We had a short teaching session. Then the kids were put in 3 groups of 5 and given an ipad and shown what to do and then we took over half the store and created some short imovies – the kids demonstrating their wonderful creativity (we had a sock murder, a teddy bear kidnap and a superhero adventure!). The Apple team were there to direct and help trouble shoot. All 15 kids learnt quickly and were able to create a short imovie by the end of the session. We then had fun sharing what we had learnt. All this happened whilst other people were in the store shopping – felt quite surreal!

Apple runs lots of teaching sessions and when the store is open they have an app where you can check out what is happening each week. My kids have also done a session on how to code a Spiroball which was also fun. Sessions after school can book up quickly but there are lots in the day which work well for flexible home edders. Always worth getting to know the team and we have found they have been willing to run sessions for home ed groups. We just spoke to them directly and booked a group session. A five star rating as it was free and very enjoyable.

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